Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Let's talk about numbers: PLASTIC

Have you ever wondered what each of the different numbers found on a plastic bottle mean? Well, in this post, we'll talk about just that-- turns out they really do mean something!!!
The numbers on the plastic we use, from bottles of water we drink from to bottles of shampoo, all have a number categorizing their type of plastic, which in turn, rates their safety level in regards to the leaching of toxins.
Most of the plastics we use have these numbers. The Society of Plastics Industry and The Federal Trade Commission have created rules and guidelines in regards to labeling plastics.
Hopefully, this information will help you to choose wisely the plastics you use and do not use.

# 1: PET---polyethlyene terephthalate: Soda/water bottles, medicine containers, vinegar, etc.
# 2: HDPE---high-density polyethylene: Laundry detergent, milk, shampoo, some toys
# 3: PVC--- polyvinyl chloride: PVC pipes, meat containers, shrink wrap
# 4: LDPE ---low-density polyethylene: sandwich bags, grocery bags
# 5: PP--- polypropylene: Tupperware, diapers, yogurt
# 6: PS/PS-E--- polystyrene / expanded polystyrene: Styrofoam, plastic silverware, packing peanuts 
# 7: OTHER--- resins or multi-materials: OTHERS

So what is the safest??? Plastic numbers 2, 4, and 5 are the safest to be using. When using a product that is labeled as #1, please only use it once. This plastic is intended for a one time use only. Try to stay away from the other numbers as often as you can. Watch out for plastics that may leach BPA (Bisphenol A), a toxin that can cause serious health problems linked to cancers, neurological problems, and thyroid problems. Look for items that say "BPA Free". 

Of course, the safest option is to try to stay away from plastics as often as possible by using glassware and tin. For example-- instead of buying a plastic water bottle, buy a metal reusable water bottle. Store foods in glass containers instead of plastic wear. Use tin foil as a covering instead of plastic wrap.

And don't forget to RECYCLE!!!!
For more information, please visit the following awesome links!!

Trusted MD

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